The smarter way
to sign
Sign and certify documents securely from desktop or device without complex setups or data sharing. Protect your data with advanced signature encryption and verification, without sharing your data online.
Powering trust with Dedoco
An easy boost for your efficiency and security
Digital signature tools save time, but can be a security blindspot. dSign is for businesses who understand the value and the risk of online transactions — and prefer not to share their data.
Real time verification
Dedoco’s decentralized platform uses blockchain technology to track documents in real time. Verify signed documents anytime, on any device, before signing.
Compliance on your terms
Dedoco doesn’t need to hold your data for secure signatures. dSign can be deployed flexibly to ensure data compliance, don't let regulation and residency requirements hold you back.
Outsmart fraudsters
dSign integrates with national and private identity providers, like Singapore Government’s Singpass. With trusted authentication, you’ll always know who is who.
Smarter document signing
from just US$18/mo
Free 30-day trialdSign features
Draw, type or upload via desktop and mobile
Secure signature
Signature and document data are securely interlinked
Tamper-proof automated agreements
Open architecture to protect privacy and secure data
Authenticate users via email, phone or ID partners
Full document history and versioning for a shared truth
Next-gen trust & security powered by the Dedoco Trust Engine
Behind our seamless and secure document ecosystem, Dedoco’s next-gen engine runs on the blockchain without ever missing a beat. The technology is complex, but the process and impact are simple:
1. Generate document thumbprint
Every document gets a unique digital thumbprint, or hash, which is stored on the blockchain without the need to store the document itself.
2. Track document interactions
Any interaction with a document is immutably stored on the blockchain in real time — no one can change the history or chain of custody.
3. Certify transaction completion
When a transaction is completed, Dedoco generates a Certificate of Completion providing a full audit trail and immutably stores it on the blockchain for future verification.
1. Generate document thumbprint
Every document gets a unique digital thumbprint, or hash, which is stored on the blockchain without the need to store the document itself.
2. Track document interactions
Any interaction with a document is immutably stored on the blockchain in real time — no one can change the history or chain of custody.
3. Certify transaction completion
When a transaction is completed, Dedoco generates a Certificate of Completion providing a full audit trail and immutably stores it on the blockchain for future verification.
Document signing on your terms
See PricingSecurity & privacy
‘No store’ data solution for security & compliance
Easy implementation
Integrates effortlessly with your existing repository
Next-gen business trust
Verifiable assurance when are where you need it